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Trails & Recreation Committee

Primary Goals of the Committee:

'To assist in the recommendation and implementation of trails and recreation projects within the town of Dover. Goals and decisions of the committee shall align closely with the town plan, the Weston and Sampson trails and recreation report, and the goals of the Economic Development department.


Future decisions on recreational opportunities will also take into consideration the offerings and opportunities of surrounding towns and communities. The committee shall make recommendations of future projects to the select board through the Economic Development Department, assess the success and expansion of current projects, and facilitate the recreational growth of the town.'


View the Trails and Recreation Committee Charge


View Previous Meetings



Dover Trails and Recreation Committee Members


Dover Residents:

Kristin Mumford

Julia LaGrange


Dover Business Owners:

Mike Purcell

Patricia Sweeney


Dover Select Board:

Sarah Shippee


Dover Special Interest Groups:

Matt Nicklis (Deerfield Valley Stump Jumpers)

Tom Oakley (Southern VT Trails Association)

David Yeagle (Mount Snow)


The committee is still seeking a youth member (ages 12-18). If you are interested in participating, please contact Eric at

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