& Bids
Town of Dover - Horace Hill Trail System Maintenance Request for Bids
Open 4/25/24 - Close 5/17/24
The Town of Dover, VT is seeking bids for a 3-year contract for maintenance of the newly implemented trails system on the Town owned property at Horace Hill in West Dover.
For a full description of the bid request please visit: https://www.doververmont.com/rfps
Contact Person Receiving Bids and Inquiries: Eric Durocher, Economic Development Director, PO Box 428, West Dover, VT 05356. Phone 802-464-5100 ext. 4, Fax 802-464-8721 or email econdev@doververmont.com . Proposals will be accepted until midnight on Thursday, May 16th, 2024. Upon RFB close, proposals shall reviewed for completeness and presented by recommendation to the Dover Select Board for review and potential selection.